Email Marketing Campaigns

email marketing campaigns

We make your email marketing smarter

Good email marketing can reach out, re-engage, and restart conversations.

  • Our email marketing methodology makes sure your open-rates, click-rates and conversions work specifically for your business.
  • Receive well-designed campaigns that bring in new leads and help renew existing customer relationships.

Email marketing strategy

Whether you are targeting B2B or a B2C audience, our email marketing services will help you fine-tune your communication.

Email promotions & drip email campaigns

The purpose of our Email Promotions & Drip Email campaigns is to help you find the right offer and to test alternatives throughout the buying cycle. With scheduling and testing, we optimize emails based on when your prospects are most likely to buy. Our Email Promotions & Drip Email Campaigns include:

  • The development of effective calls-to-action and offers
  • Email sequences matched to the buying cycle of your prospects

Triggered email campaigns

Our Triggered Email Campaigns allow you to connect with your customers based on their actual behavior. In other words, their clicks will determine what targeted email campaigns they receive. Our Triggered Email Campaign services include:

  • A well-defined set of guidelines and action items based on how visitors are engaging with your content
  • Clear implementation guidelines for automating the processes

Shopping cart abandonment email campaigns

Our Shopping Cart Abandonment Email services help you stay connected with consumers that need more time and convincing to make a purchase at your site. Our Shopping Cart Abandonment Email services include:

  • The creation of compelling email copy and a clearly defined route to get back to the cart
  • A tailored survey to understand why customers didn’t complete their purchases